Greetings, fellow Cub Scouts and Cub Families!
This is your friendly reminder that our annual Trail of Lights Ceremony will take place this Sunday, July 26th at 4 pm. This is the ceremony in which we are awarded our final belt loops, earn our badges and graduate to the next rank! (That’s right parents – yet another hat and neckerchief!!!
Volunteers will be delivering actual loops and rank badges to each of your homes this week. These will be given to each Scout by their family members during the actual ceremony. To maintain social distancing protocols, we’ll be leaving packages on stoops or in mailboxes as appropriate rather than making in-person handoffs. If you’re out of town or need your awards delivered to an alternate address, please let us know absolutely as soon as possible so we can make proper arrangements in time.
INVITE EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO THIS CEREMONY!!! The ceremony is open to grandparents, other family, friends, and anyone else in a Cub Scouts life. In fact, guests of all varieties are strongly encouraged! Please give out our Zoom link to anyone who might wish to attend (put the pressure on!). No registration is required.
Please contact us for a link to the meeting.
Remember, this is an official graduation ceremony, and will require FULL REGALIA. That means, unless you are out of town and do not have access, all Scouts are required to wear their uniform shirt, hat, neckerchief and slide, belt and bluejeans or blue-colored shorts. If you are indeed out of town and do not have access to your uniform, wear a plain blue button down shirt or tee shirt (if you only have a printed tee in blue, turn it inside out so that the printing is hidden).
Special thanks to Den Leader Justin and JHU for continuing to provide and manage our Zoom meeting space, and to First English for continuing their generous Pack Charter (even though we haven’t been over lately to visit).
Congratulations to all of our Cub Scouts! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone this Sunday!
Yours in Scouting,
Cubmaster Matt