This Sunday will be our “Pinewood Build Day” from noon to 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall at First English. This will be only build activity offered by the Pack. Several leaders have signed out the tools you will need to cut your pinewood into your car. Cubmaster Matt and I will be camped out in the church all afternoon to make sure you have an opportunity to get work done in case you don’t have the necessary resources at home. The following will be available:
- Pinewood Derby car kits if you still need one! ($4)
- Saws
- Sand paper
- Some paint
- Snacks will be available for the Scouts
You are welcome to bring your own paint and decorations!
There will be no program and no Den Leader supervision for Scouts during the build day. Attached is a sample/example template; you can have your Scout try several designs with page 1. Height of items on the car should not be a problem, although that will slow the car down. I wouldn’t go much wider than the block of wood plus the wheels. If you google this topic, there is TONS of information out there.
While the actual race will be about speed, there will be awards for design and such that are up to Troop 5.
Troop 5, who will be judging, follows the official Pinewood Derby rules:
The width of the car shall not exceed 2-1/4 inches. The length of the car shall not exceed 7 inches. The weight of the car shall not exceed 5 ounces.
Please Note: You and your Scout should not number you car! To make the race work, Troop 5 will have to number the cars and will put a sticker on each to track them.
Show up on Sunday when you want, but don’t wait until 5:30! You have to leave yourself enough time to get complete whatever work you want to do there.
Remember, the actual Pinewood Derby will be on Sunday January 19th!
P.S. – this is a non-uniform event for Scouts. Leaders must be uniform.